Prologue – Welcome to My Heart Space Tea Place
I listen to you by sharing with you my stories, my feelings, and my heart.
encouraged to feel the discomfort
empowered to transform the darkness
enlightened while dancing with the shadow
“Before you end your day, rest...then go to bed. Take your well-being seriously and attend to the foundation of Health – rest. You are not as alone as you think; when you rest you realize this.“
— Dr. James Jealous
Welcome Poem
Inspired by the words of Hafiz, as translated by Daniel Ladinsky in Love Poems from God: Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West.
Just sit here right now.
Don’t do a thing.
Just Rest.
Let me bring you stories of life
and a cup of tea for your heart
Use my soft words as a cushion for your head.
Rest with me,
with a cup of tea, my stories,
and poetry.