Prologue – Welcome to My Heart Space Tea Place

A purple-pink heart with words: Joanieedos’s heart space tea place
  • I listen to you by sharing with you my stories, my feelings, and my heart.

    • encouraged to feel the discomfort

    • empowered to transform the darkness

    • enlightened while dancing with the shadow

  • “Before you end your day, rest...then go to bed. Take your well-being seriously and attend to the foundation of Health – rest. You are not as alone as you think; when you rest you realize this.“

    — Dr. James Jealous

Welcome Poem

Inspired by the words of Hafiz, as translated by Daniel Ladinsky in Love Poems from God: Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West.

Just sit here right now.

Don’t do a thing.

Just Rest.

Let me bring you stories of life

and a cup of tea for your heart

Use my soft words as a cushion for your head.

Rest with me,

with a cup of tea, my stories,

and poetry.